Market Place
集市, Market,Bazar, バザール , سوق, בזא, базар, Feria
Def: A public gathering held for buying and selling merchandise.
I don't know when I got in the hobby to visit the local market where ever I go. It's the place I found that I am really close to locals and not as a tourist. People won't pay attention to a stranger in the marketplace and it is always a good place for small chat with shopper owner over some chai, fish some local inside news or snap some photos.
Click the picture below for the link.
Def: A public gathering held for buying and selling merchandise.
I don't know when I got in the hobby to visit the local market where ever I go. It's the place I found that I am really close to locals and not as a tourist. People won't pay attention to a stranger in the marketplace and it is always a good place for small chat with shopper owner over some chai, fish some local inside news or snap some photos.
Click the picture below for the link.

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